Thursday 3 January 2013

Travel, Travel, Travel.....Jet Lag!

We left Regina at 9:20 AM January 1, 2013.  A two hour flight took us to Vancouver, with a two hour layover, then a two hour delay, due to an antenna switch out.  The flight to Seoul, Korea was long and uneventful.  The two hour delay in Vancouver put us into a hurried rush in Seoul because we were now late for our next flight.  A Korean Air Canada employee met us at the gate and hurried us along so we could catch our next flight to Hanoi.  We needed to be cleared by immigration and our approval letter for a Vietnam visa for needed to be checked.  But, due to the poor quality of the printed out letter our passport numbers were unreadable, so we needed to fire up the computer so Air Canada could check its validity.  Finally, after a few anxious minutes the computer showed them a readable version of our approval letter for a Vietnam visa.  We then had to run like mad men to our gate to board the plane, and just in the nick of time.

We flew Korean Airlines to Hanoi, Vietnam.  The plane was a brand new 330 airbus.  What a beautiful, modern plane!!  This last leg of our trip was 5 hours, and I did catch a bit of sleep.  We landed in Hanoi at 10:30 PM.  We needed to receive our visas which took about an hour only because we weren't the only people doing this.  After getting our visas, baggage and immigration was a breeze... no line-up!!  We found our cab driver waiting for us to take us to our hotel.

After 25 hours of traveling we were finally at our destination.  Totally exhausted we eagerly anticipated a good night's sleep!

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