Thursday 3 January 2013

No Room At The Inn

When we finally arrived at the Hanio Guesthouse, at midnight, we discovered there was a mix up in our reservation and we had no room.  But, with many apologies and one quick phone call the owners of the guesthouse had us a room halfway down the block.  He grabbed our bags and quickly delivered us there.The room was small, but inviting.  The building and our room was on the cool side.  Hanoi is about 20 degrees celcius this time of the year, and the buildings have no heat.  Due to exhaustion I was cold and decided to sleep in my yoga clothes and socks.  Morning came much too soon, but we were up and had a wonderfully hot shower, had a delicious breakfast, and moved our belongings to our original lodgings, the Hanoi Guesthouse.  Guesthouses are family run, small hotels that include a breakfast with your room.  Because of the previous night's mix-up we were upgraded to a deluxe room.  This room was North American sized.  We have a king sized bed, and an ample sized bathroom.  We were very happy with all the arrangements!

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