Monday 14 January 2013

A Bus Trip From Hell!!!

We left Hoi An on the sleeper bus for sunny, warmer, Nha Trang.  While boarding we were greeted with rudeness and hostility.  We were unable to sit where we wanted.  The attendants were bossy, and forced us to sit in small, cramped seats.  There were many available seats to sit in, but had backpacks stacked on them.  The backpacker kids told us they were greeted in the same manner, and the attendants placed their backpacks on those seats, instead of the cargo hold, to save the best seats for the Vietnamese.  We asked to be let out, but by now we were already traveling, and by the time they agreed to let us out we were out in the boonies, and would not get out unless they called a taxi for us, and waited until it came.  We had a bit of a Mexican stand-off for awhile.  Finally, they started the bus up and continued down the road, and the only option we had was to sit down and suck it up.  They kept adding more and more people on the bus.  It was cramped, stuffy, and to tell you the truth, a bit scary!  They wanted to stack up backpacks against the washroom door, but we insisted that shouldn't be done.  A couple of Europeans took the packs and stored them in their seats.  And the bathroom.... I won't even mention what that was like!!!   

Finally, after a harrowing, over night trip, we arrived at Nha Trang at 7:00 AM.  They tossed our luggage out like it was garbage, we were greeted by a cabbie who tried to rip us off, and we made our way to LeSuisse Hotel.  The hotel was suppose to pick us up but we were having email problems at Hoi An, along with blocked facebook, and we had a communication break down.  I sent a couple of emails to our kids and friends but I don't think they received them.

Anyways, the hotel was great and got us into our room immediately, where we could shower and rid ourselves of the overnight bus grunge!

1 comment:

  1. After reading this we booked the train for the Hoi An - Nha Trang leg of our journey....just to be on the safe side!
