Thursday 10 January 2013

Paradise Cave

The bus trip to Paradise Caves was a long one, but well worth it.  Vietnam is full of caves due to all the limestone in the country.  This cave we visited is the newest one discovered and the driest cave in the world.  It is absolutely fabulous.  I hope the pictures can show a fraction of its awesomeness!!

                                         Rice paddies on the way to Paradise Cave, with the limestone
                                         structures in the background.  This area reminded me of
                                         Ha Long Bay because the limestone karsts are the same.

                                         The pathway to the caves.

                                         A spectacular view on the way up.

                                          We had to climb many, many steps to get to the mouth of the cave.

                                         A view from the cave entrance.


                                          This is a limestone river we saw on the way back down
                                         from the cave.  I have never seen this colour of water before.      
                                         It is a bluish green, very beautiful!!  If you look closely at the picture
                                         you can see swirls....because water is coming up from the
                                         bottom of the riverbed.

                                          More rice fields.

                                          Our bus had an engine problem on the way home, so while waiting for
                                          a rescue bus, Hoss discovered a gas station!!  Pretty funny!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys are having a great adventure ... I found the photos and stories from the V-War interesting as I just watched a movie about the war. So sad to hear that stuff still does not grow there. Michelle
