Thursday 10 January 2013

DMZ (Demilitarized Zone)

The DMZ Tour was quite interesting.  Our guide gave a lot of history about the Vietnam/US War.  The tour led us into the DMZ location.  It was to be an area of safety where no fighting should occur, but the Vietcong didn't abide by these rules, so the US bombed the heck out of the north.  We saw the Ho Chi Minh Trail, which was a supply line for the North Vietnamese and Vietcong.  The hills that were defoliated and had agent orange dropped on them are still trying to recover.  Trees are not growing as of yet, but some grass is returning.  The hills are green, but only due to the grass, and this is a heavily jungled area.

We also went to see the tunnels that the Vietnamese built and lived in to protect themselves from the bombing, and also a US Airbase.

                                          These are minority people that live in the DMZ area.

                                         A typical home of the minority people.

                                          More minority peoples' homes.

                                         Children of the minority people sliding down the highway,
                                         (old Ho Chi Ming Trail), on make shift sleds.  This reminded
                                          me of the Jamaican bobsled team!!

                                          The runway at the US base.

                                         US bunker.

                                          Inside one of the bunkers.

                                         We are now at the tunnels.  This is the pathway to the

                                          Bombs that were dropped but didn't explode.

                                          Continuing to the tunnels.

                                         A family of four had to live in these tiny rooms.

                                         Tunnel pathway.

                                          The maternity room!!!  I can't imagine giving birth to a
                                         child  in these tunnels!!!

                                          A tunnel exit which leads to the ocean.

                                         This is a hole caused by a bomb that drills into the ground
                                         and then explodes.  This one was a dud, it drilled but
                                         didn't explode.

                                         Opps!  Pictures are in the wrong order.  These are aircrafts 
                                         left behind at the US base.

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