Saturday 12 January 2013

Hoi An

Hoi An is a beautiful ancient town, and some of the buildings have a medieval look to them.  Small lanes in Old Town take you by hip little bars, quirky boutiques, and fine eateries.  There are many silk shops and a whole lot of people getting measured up for suits.  This small town is very relaxing, and does not have the  same energy level as Hanoi, or Hue.  Hoi An is a welcome retreat! 

                                          A small river runs through Old Town.

                                          The Japanese Bridge.

                                         A happy villager selling her wares.

                                          A quaint street.

We rented bicycles from our hotel for $1.00 and spent the whole day riding around.  We eventually made our way to the beach.  We found a small lane, followed it and ended up at a funky little bar called Banyan.  We met the owner who is originally from France, and now lives in Vietnam.  He has a couple of rooms that he rents out, and had we known about this place earlier, we just might have stayed here.  Gael, the Banyan owner, gave us information about a couple of trails to bike around in, close to where he is.  We took his advice and toured around a fishing village and some vegetable farmers.  Very interesting!!  We had a wonderful afternoon and even caught some sun!

                                         Banyan bar and restaurant.

                                          View of the ocean at Banyan.

                                          Banyan restaurant.

                                          A walk on the beach brought us to these fishing vessels.

                                          Beautiful sand beaches.  Did some shell collecting.

                                         Bicycle trip through fishing village.

                                         Abalones drying in the sun.  Reminds me of the book
                                         Island of the Blue Dolphins.

                                         Fabulous gardens!!  All planted in sand, and fertilized with seaweed.

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