Saturday 19 January 2013

Travel Day

Today, we left on the sleeper bus, and to our relief, it was much, much better than the last bus we took.  We are on our way to Saigon aka Ho Chi Minh City.  Our 12 hour journey gave us a chance to see more of the Vietnamese countryside.  It became very arid the further south we went.  There are heaps of sand dunes by Mui Ne, another beach we could have gone to, and the rice paddies have ceased to exist.  After, Mui Ne, the green began to show again, and by the time we got to Saigon, the arid landscape was far behind us.

The bus dropped us off in District 1 of Saigon.  Like all other places, where buses have drop offs and pickups, the cabbies are on you immediately because competition for business is fierce.  District 1 is where all the tourist head to.  It's populated with high end hotels, bars and eateries that cater to tourists.  A cabbie secured our business, loaded our bags in the trunk, and bolted down the chaotic streets of Saigon.  I am sure that every adult in Vietnam owns a motorbike, and it is a good thing they are all mufflered, or the noise would be horrendous.  The traffic here is no different than Hanoi.  Absolutely bizarre!!  The only rule is... don't hit anyone.  Other than that you can drive, turn, stop, go, anytime and anywhere you want!!

The cabbie drove in one big circle, couldn't find our hotel(because it's in District 8 and we tried to tell him, but he wouldn't listen), so he dropped us off where he picked us up.  Thankfully, another cab driver, who had google map on his phone knew where to go.  Finally, delivered to our destination, we settled into a very nice room(for half the price of District 1, and just as nice) had supper, and went to sleep, finding our bodies wearied from a long day of travel.

The next morning we were up early and headed to the airport.  We our flying to a Vietnamese Island called Phu Quoc.  The flight was only about 45 minutes, and the journey to our lodgings short.  We booked in, settled in, and headed for the beach!  The weather is superb...heat at long last!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Crys & Hoss! Ferg & I have been really enjoying reading about your journey! I look every day in anticipation to see a new post so you better start writing one every day! LOL - Love looking at all your pictures and reading about your adventures! Take care, be safe and talk to you soon! Ev & Ferg :)
