Monday 28 January 2013

Coconut Prison on Phu Quoc Island

Being a fairly remote and forested island, Phu Quoc was useful to the French Colonial administration as a prison.  The Americans, or so we were told, (could have been south Vietnamese) took it over where the French left off and housed 40,000 or so Viet Cong prisoners.  Displays of every day life and torture are depicted in this museum.

                                          Thick fence that surrounds prison.

                                         Buildings that housed prisoners.

                                          Tiger cages used to torture prisoners.  There was no
                                           protection from the elements.

                                         Another form of torture.  Reminds me of what is
                                         done to women in the Middle East.

                                          A kitchen.

                                          The next few pictures are different forms of torture.

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