Saturday 12 January 2013

The Sleeper Bus to Hoi An

Our stay in Hue is over, and it is now time to move on.  Continuing south we took the sleeper bus to out next destination, Hoi An.  It was a short trip, about three and a half hours.  When we arrived at Hoi An we were greeted with some heat, not lots, but enough to wear shorts and a sundress.  It is still a bit overcast with sun shining for a good duration.  We taxied our way with another couple who were going to the same hotel, and quite a nice hotel it is!  We booked in and settled in and we will stay for two nights.

                                          This is a double decker bus.  We were on the top.
                                          A fellow Canadian.  Not too many Canadians traveling
                                          in Vietnam, but there are a lot of Europeans.

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