Saturday 26 January 2013

Duong Dong Sights

After coffee, breakfast, a swim, and reading, we decided to rent the motorbikes.  We hopped on and took a dig into town.  After several attempts, we finally found the fish sauce factory.  There was not too much too see, but we did get to look at the huge vats used to make the sauce.

                                         Fish sauce factory store.

                                          Higher end houses in Duong Dong.

                                         Having delicious Vietnamese iced coffee.

We chilled out at a small coffee shop, and had a delicious Vietnamese iced coffee.  We usually have one a day!!  After a brief rest, we headed down the street to take in a few small shops.  I bought a bathing suit, and we also got to witness a rooster getting quite a vigorous bath.  He is used in cock fights, and  quite a beauty he is!!

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