Friday 25 January 2013

Snake Blood and Men's Virility

After a day of walking the beach, meeting and talking to a variety of people, having a drink here and there, we decided to go to the night market for supper.  We walked the distance to Duong Dong, the city that is closest to our resort, maybe a half hour walk, and found the night market.  It was bustling with tourists and locals.  Vietnamese do not cook and eat the supper at home like Westerners do, they all go out for their supper, or get take out, and eat at home.  They work very long hours and the food they eat is very cheap, the food vendors sock it to the tourists when it comes to prices. 

We strolled up and down the lane looking at all the displays of seafood that were on sale for the evening's feast.  Every vendor trying his or her best to lure you in with their selection and variety of food.  We finally decided what we wanted to eat, placed our order, sat down, had a beer and waited for our meal.  It came shortly, and we enjoyed a plate of gigantic prawns, greens, and rice.  Just as we were finishing up our meal, we noticed a young Vietnamese man wielding a small foot long snake, that was the thickness of your thumb.  Me, being adverse to snakes, could hardly look, and what he did next with this snake almost made me unload my supper!!  He found a willing participant in a young, Western guy.  He then proceeded to cut the head off the snake, and squeezed the blood and heart from the headless serpent.  The young Western man then drank the snake's blood and ate it's heart!!  OMG!!!  The young Vietnamese said that is how boys become men in Vietnam.  I am sure!!  It is just  a show for everyone who is there and I'm sure he was also paid by the Westerner!!  Anyways, no picture was taken because I forgot the camera at home!  Hoss would have had to be the photographer, I just couldn't watch!!

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