Tuesday 22 January 2013

Phu Quoc Long Beach Sights

Our beach is called Long Beach, for very good reasons.  A leisurely walk down the beach will take you quite a bit of time, and you still won't be half done!  Our first full day in Phu Quoc had us taking the long journey down the beach, after a couple of hours of sunning and swimming.

We caught some interesting sights during our walk.  Firstly, some fishermen were pulling in their nets, and a curious audience gathered to watch, and of course we were part of that group.  The net was heavy and it took a couple of hours to reel the net in close enough so they could gather they catch.  The fish were many but quite small.

Next, we saw a man walking his pet monkey.  When the monkey was tired of walking it would climb the leash and just hang there.

We met another Canadian couple, down the way, that have been cycling their way through Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and now Vietnam.  They are from Whistler and slightly older than us.  They gave us some great travel suggestions and shared some pretty funny travel stories.

Then back at our place we watched as they set up for the daily barbeque that starts just after sunset.

And finally the sunset!  It was a bit hazy to see a really good sunset... but heck there ain't no sunset like a prairie sunset!!!

                                          Our hotel has a couple of dogs.  This pup I've named
                                          Scuffy for her appearance.

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