Tuesday 22 January 2013

To Blog or Not To Blog

Each day usually begins in the same way.  Wake up, shower, go get a coffee, and sit down at the computer and work on my blog, check my emails, and have a look at facebook.  If we have a long travel day, or have booked a tour, then I usually won't blog due to time restraints.  But, sometimes circumstances won't allow me to work on my blog.  For example, two days ago, the island lost its power.  Our hotel has a generator, but didn't fire it up until noon, because guests were still sleeping, and by then we were into our day, so no blog occurred.  Then yesterday we had a connection problem with our convertor.  It's been giving us grief ever since we entered Vietnam, so we had to find a hardware store to buy an extension cord.  We discovered you have to make your own cord.  They ask how long you want your cord to be... we said 3 meters, so they cut you a piece of electrical cord and then you need to buy the two ends.  We took these three pieces back to the hotel and the fellow at the front desk helped Hoss construct the cord using some of their tools.  Voila!!  We have a cord and our connection is much better! 

So to blog or not to blog...I'm always willing, but there isn't always a way!!

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