Tuesday 22 January 2013

Motorbiking Around the Island

After a couple of days of lazying around the beach, we thought it was time to spread our wings and really see this island, so we rented a couple of small motorbikes.

The first day we went south.  We got off the highway, and onto a dirt road.  Their soil is full of iron, so the road is a rich red colour.  We found a secluded beach, parked the bikes and went for a swim.  There are a lot of pearl farms in this area, and you could see them from this beach.  Back on the bikes, and we headed off to Sao Beach, which is located on the Pacific side(our hotel is on the Gulf of Thailand).

Sao Beach is beautiful.  The sand is whiter, finer, softer.  There is a bit more of a surf there, but the water is very shallow for quite a ways out.  It is a quiet beach with only a few accommodations, and restaurants.
As we were leaving, we met a young Swiss guy, who also rented a bike, so we traveled back to Long Beach with him.  We met his friends who were back at their bungalows and had a couple of beer with him at the beach.

The next day, we headed north.  This time we needed to go through the city of Duong Dong.  Driving a vehicle, or riding a motorbike in Vietnam has the same philosophy as downhill skiing.  You don't worry about whose behind you, you only worry about whose in front of you.  Anyways, I got through the market and the city without wiping anyone out.

Back on the highway, heading out of the city, we found the same familiar red roads of the south.  We rode through small fishing villages, beautiful beaches, stopped occasionally to swim, eat, drink, take pictures, and watch villagers go through their daily routines.

We ended up taking a wrong turn, and had to work our way through some nasty road construction projects, that I found challenging with the bike.  After two spills with the motorbike, both times trying to get through heavy sand...no injury resulted due to to deep, fine red sand that was super soft to land in and the turtle pace I was going(just couldn't muscle my way through), I over steered, got off the tiny path and into the heavy sand.  Buff!!  Down I went!  Then a makeshift bridge that consisted of two wobbly boards that I said no to.  So, Hoss had to manage his bike, and my bike, to get to the other side.  I walked!!  These three episodes left me filthy dirty. Red hands, red arms, red legs, it was quite comical!!  And, to top it off I broke my sandal.  Now, I had to ride with bare feet!!  But the road improved and we looked for a beach to wash off and get refreshed!

Back through the city we went, and through the market.  Unfortunately it's the only way to go to get back to our place.  Super busy aisle ways, that are jam packed with people walking, kids on bicycles, adults on motorbikes, and me with my bare feet, managing the clutch, brakes, and praying I don't knock anyone down!!  But, we made it through without incident!  Success!!

It was a great two days exploring with the bikes.  We returned them and plan to rent them again in a couple of days and return to Sao Beach. 

 Day 1 with the bikes. 

                                         Parked the bikes at a deserted beach, went for a swim.

                                         Secluded beach by the pearl farms.

                                         Stopped at a small village, to buy a drink.

                                          Beautiful Sao Beach.

                                               Day 2 with the bikes.

                                          Small fishing village.

                                         This village used to have a bridge, but half of it s destroyed.
                                         So, this man is ferrying across.

                                          We crossed a couple of these types of bridges.


                                         Villagers cooking small fish......

                                         then they lay them out to dry.

                                         A photo of a high end hotel.  These bungalows run at around
                                         $200.00 a night.  They looked pretty cool!

                                           Stopped for a Vietnamese iced coffee and fresh spring

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