Saturday 29 December 2012

The Bags Are Packed

Yes, the bags are packed, new batteries in the camera, documents organized in a file folder, and the wait begins for our ride to Regina.  We'll spend New Year's Eve with friends by having a delicious meal(2nd seating, 9:00 at the Fireside Bistro), then going to bed early to rest up as much as possible for the long trip over the Pacific Ocean...22 hours of travel.  Sleep won't be an option for me, I need to be in the prone position to get some decent rest.  So cat naps it will be!  A movie here, a chapter there, and the occasional walk up and down the aisle to stretch the legs.

My next post will take place in Hanoi, Vietnam.  The weather is around 20 degrees, and a bit rainy.  Hopefully, the rain will subside, but the temperature won't until we get a bit further south.

A final Christmas gift arrived today... the beginning bloom of the Christmas cactus, I was worried that we might miss it!

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