Friday 14 December 2012

Christmas Craaaaziness!!

Christmas is on the doorstep, and most of my buying, baking, wrapping, and decorating is done.  I`ve always enjoyed Christmas, and it was a magical time of the year for me as a child.  I enjoy the busyness, carols, singing, parties, spontaneous visits from friends, the sparkle of the season, and of course all the food.

This year, of course, was much more relaxing for me.  Being retired has given me the opportunity to slow the Christmas season down.  I fill my days cooking up a storm while watching sappy Christmas movies, and  I absolutely love it!!!  My son laughs at me, saying, "sitting around watching B rated movies again, hey Mom."

But with Christmas on my mind, I have also been busy with travel plans.  Lonely Planet books needed to be bought, and internet searches began.  Many people ask me where we are vacationing this year, but in my mind, we aren`t going on a vacation, we are traveling.  To me, the two are very different. Independent travel isn`t for everyone.  It takes a lot of work, no one does it for you, and any screw-ups are your own!! People ask, "Why?"  Good question!!  Cost is a biggy!  The decision to be gone for three months has an impact on the pocketbook, and indy type travel provides the option for lower costs. Don't get me wrong, all inclusives are a great choice, and you can get some pretty awesome deals if you're on the hunt. They are also great if you are going for a week or two and just want to hang out and relax in a sunny destination.  But for us, and especially now with being retired, indy is the way we like to go.  Our choices give us a better understanding of a different culture, unique foods, fantastic geography, different people and their view of the world.  We have always traveled this way, excluding one experience we had at an all inclusive in Mexico, in which we had an awesome time.
As of now, flights have been booked, visas granted, and a couple of accommodations planned.  A turkey has to be cooked and a suitcase needs to be packed.  The waiting is almost over, and I feel like a kid again, anticipating the joy of the unknown, and unexpected.  Asia, here we come!!

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