Sunday 29 March 2015

The Golden Outback

At first I was a bit confused as to where Australia's outback began and ended.  But, I guess, the only areas that aren't outback are urban and wooded, and I could be wrong, this info is a bit fuzzy.  Anyways, I am assuming that when we left Adelaide we were back in the outback.  But, this time it was different.  I dreaded the Northern Territory outback because of its lack of cell and internet coverage, lack of population, infestation of flies and mossies, the super fine red dust, and extreme heat.  Everything in our campervan was steaming hot.  If you picked up and fork or spoon it was hot, the water was hot enough to make tea, or do dishes, the mattress, blankets, and pillows retained the heat making sleeping conditions quite unbearable!!  But the people we met were amazing and from all over the world.  It was a joy to commiserate with fellow travelers!

The outback we have experienced when we left Adelaide is quite different.  The landscape is varied and beautiful, temperatures are warm in the day and cool in the evening.  There are more roadhouses and communities that dot the Nullarbor Plains.  Flies can still be a pain in places, but the mosquitoes are less atrocious!  The outback in Western Australia is called The Golden Outback.  I have researched a bit to find out why it is named this but the only conclusion I can come up with is because of the gold mines, and wheat fields, and more beareable conditions.  Many Aussie tourists come this way to fish and camp. To say the least we are enjoying the Nullarbor Plains(outback)!!

                                           Camels, wombats(which remind me of a combination of a bear and a pig, but the size of a pig), and of course kangaroos!  The poor kangaroos are splattered all over the roads!
                                           Campgrounds are still quite barren and dusty.  We free camp a lot.

                                          We free camped by these cliffs!  Pretty but windy!

                                          A free camp!

                                    Everyone seems to be so impressed with this stretch of highway in the Nullarbor Plains!!  Just another road to us!

                                 A lot of sandalwood trees.  They are beautiful with their red bark and lacy canopy.

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