Saturday 7 March 2015


During our stay in Tin Can Bay, we got up early one morning to visit wild dolphins.  There was a bit of a fee to see and feed them.  The story behind these dolphins comes from a fisherman who discovered a badly injured and malnourished dolphin in the inlet waters of Tin Can Bay back in the fifties.  He fed the dolphin until it recuperated, and was able to look after itself.  Ever since then the dolphin and its mates visited the old fisherman.  Its descendants now carry on this ritual, and eventually, this turned into a business(surprise, surprise!).  Every morning, between 7 and 8 a random number of dolphins show up keeping this endeavour alive.  They seem to relate to children more so than adults by giving dolphin kisses to their feet.  Four dolphins showed up the day we attended.

                                        This is Norman, but by the way he behaved I would call him Sir Norman!

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