Sunday 8 March 2015

Airlie Beach and The Whitsunday Islands

A must for anyone visiting Australia is the Whitsunday Islands, which are located off the northeast Queensland coast.  The 74 islands that make up the archipelago are really the tips of mountains tops jutting out from the Coral Sea, and from their sandy fringes the ocean spreads towards the horizon in beautiful shades of crystal, aqua, blue, and indigo.  Sheltered by the Great Barrier Reef, there are no crashing waves or deadly undertows, and the waters are perfect for sailing!  But, there are hidden dangers, as we found out. Deadly jellyfish enjoy these waters also, so great precautions, and care is needed!  Protected swimming enclosures are provided, and each beach is supplied with large jugs of vinegar, in case a sting does occur.  The vinegar helps to mitigate the severity of the sting, but a hospital visit will also be necessary!

Airlie Beach, on the mainland, is the coastal hub, and gateway to the islands.  We stayed at a beautiful caravan park, Seabreeze.

                                         Seabreeze photos.
                                          A variety of rental cottages.
                                        Beautiful pool.

                                          Fancy cottage right across from us.
                                              Small pool.
                                          A daily ritual of feeding the whistling ducks...
                                           and kookaburras!
                                         A young couple rented this unit for their travels!

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