Thursday 12 March 2015

The Cowboys vs The Roosters

Australia is sporting obsessed nation.  If you go to the pub for a pint, they are there, watching,shouting, and betting on the dog or horse races.  Oh, and don't mention how boring you think the game of cricket is, because you'll have some Aussie all over you!!  And, for some reason they want to call rugby football!  The most attended sport is Australian Rules football.  It has long kicks and brutal collisions that send the crowd into a frenzy.  The two rugby leagues are the National Rugby League, and  the Australian Rugby Union.  I cannot get the two or three straight.  If you ask an Aussie for clarification they get emotional and go into a long, and rambling description that leaves you just as confused as before.  While in Townsville, we were fortunate enough to be there for the first National Rugby league game of the year between the Townsville Cowboys and the Sidney Roosters.  We bought tickets and went to the game with Tania and Jim.  Good fun was had by all, and we had a great evening!  Unfortunately, the home team got their ass handed to them, 28-4.  Hopefully, their next footy game will have better results!

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