Saturday 14 March 2015


Kuranda, is a small, artsy, market town, that has become a popular day trip of the tablelands. With Hoss, being a train guy, we chose to ride the train up, and come back by cable car.  The views were spectacular!!  We were worried about rain, because Cyclone Nathan has rained down on us several times in the precious days.  But we were spared until the trip down, then he let 'er rip!!

                                          Freshwater Train Station

                                         The views from the train.


                                        We chose to eat German for lunch.  Excellent, but filling!
                                           More of Kuranda

                                           Rainy trip back down in the cable car!  

                                         We had to take 3 cable cars down, so each time we got off we looked around.

                                        This spider was bigger than my face!!  She eats her mates!!

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