Wednesday 27 February 2013

Travel Day!

After a late night, for us, not of course to the young people who visit this island, we woke up late, packed our bags quickly, bought passage for a boat to Krabi, and boarded a beat up old boat.  The boat we arrived on was brand new, but not this one!!  We were one of the last passengers to board, and I can tell you that there was no space or seats left.  We managed to find a couple seats, down in the hull of the boat.  All three floors of the boat were overloaded!!  We got half way out of the bay, and we stopped!  I could see that another boat had pulled up beside us, so me being nosy, and concerned, hiked it up the the main deck to check out the situation.  They decided to unload some passengers because the boat was unbalanced, and you could feel it.  The whole upper deck was banished to the rescue boat!!  I guess we were too top heavy!!  Being in the hull of a boat is not where you want to be if it goes down!!  I was making a plan in my head on what to do if a sinking situation were to happen!! 

We landed in Krabi about 90 minutes later, ate, caught a cheap cab to Ao Nang, and hit the pavement looking for a place to stay.  Hotels, we found were a bit more than we wanted to pay, but we started looking at guesthouses which are always cheaper.  We found one real close to the beach, about a block away, called Popeye.  It is located down a narrow lane.  The room was basic, clean, and everything we were looking for.  It has a small bar/breakfast nook, that many different people patronize, so socializing isn't a problem.  The family who runs the place are warm, and hospitable.  We have been really enjoying our stay here!!

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