Saturday 23 February 2013

Phi Phi Lodgings...What the Hell??

We splurged big time on a room in Kho Phi Phi.  The island is expensive, and after being used to spending $18-20 a night, we had a bit of sticker shock at this price...$80!!  So, we sucked it up and thought, wow, we are getting a fancy place!!  Big Surprise!!  We spent one night, checked out, and found another place for half the price, that was in town, and had a restaurant!!

                                         This was the road to our hotel.  It started out as a small
                                          sidewalk, then turned into a path, then this small trail.
                                          The steps up to the hotel were narrow, steep, and
                                          This is a brand new place.  Very basic room, the only
                                          furniture was a bed. and a shelf!  This place was about
                                         a mile from town.  Someone told me that if we were
                                         staying there we should take a stick with us when
                                         walking home at night because she heard monkeys and
                                         snakes will attack you!  Not True!!!!  Where do people
                                         get this stuff!!

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