Saturday 2 February 2013

Dinner at Arend's

There is nothing more special than getting to know the people of the country you are visiting, and we had the extreme fortune to experience this.  Our friend, Arend, graciously invited us for dinner with his Vietnamese family.  He and his friend Sonny picked us up by motorbike, and whisked us off to his beautiful, newly built home.  It was about 20 minutes or so from our hotel, located in a quieter, residential section of Saigon.  It was a welcome relief to get away from the hustle and bustle and noise of the busy city.

His family, warmly welcomed us in.  Arend toured us around his beautiful home, and we got to relax and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.  After a bit we took off to visit a pagoda.  It is a place of worship for Buddhist believers.  The pagoda we attended was busy with worshippers, so we weren't invited in.  But, we did get to look around the lower level and see a bit of what was going on.

So back to Arend's we went, to eat a feast that was fit for a king!!  Food galore, way more than we could eat.  Arend's sisiter-in-law did most of the food preparation, with a bit of help from her mother.  It was also a birthday celebration for My and her father.

After dessert was served, we headed back to the inner depths of the city.  Both parties had early morning travel plans.  Arend's group was off to Bali, and we were heading for Cambodia!

Farewells and thank yous were said!!  Arend, Tuyen, their family, and friend Sonny will always have an open door to our home.  Their kindness and hospitality went beyond and above anything we expected!!

                                          This is the pagoda we visited.

                                          To get inside you need to wear a similar robe. 
                                          We thought by covering our legs and arms it
                                          would be sufficient, but it was not to be.

                                           This is My (pronounced Me) whipping up a feast.  She is
                                            Arend's wife's niece.  She is attending university.
                                          The dinner table.  Arend's wife, Tuyen, is wearing the
                                          printed blue dress.  They live in Guelph, Ontario, but
                                         return to Vietnam often to visit family.

                                         Arend's friend, Sonny, is beside me.  He also lives in Guelph.

                                          Hot pot is being served.

                                         Birthday cake for My and her father.

                                         Me's father and cousin.

                                          Beautiful My.

                                          Arend's family.  Tuyen's parents are sitting in the front.
                                          2nd row: L to R, Tuyen, her sister, nephew, sister, My, Sonny
                                          Back row: L to R, Tuyen's nephew, brother-in-law, Arend.

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