Tuesday 12 February 2013

Are You Thirsty??

Down our lane and across the street we have many, many open air bars to chose from... about 60 in all.  They are small and close together and blast out music competing for customers.  If you are sitting at one bar, you can actually hear three different genres of music.  One will be country, the other rock and roll, and then to make it really noisy throw in some karaoke.  The game of pool is huge in this country, and each of these small bars has a pool table.  Many, many girls work these bars and also hustle the men.  They make eyes at Hoss, and smile at him all the time, and they don't really care if I am there or not.  It actually happens all over the place, in our condo building, restaurants, walking down the street.  I'll soon be beating them off with a stick!! Lol!!

                                          See, he still loves me, he bought me flowers!!  This is
                                           one of the many bars with the competing music!

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