Saturday 2 February 2013

Ferry Ride

The bus trip was uneventful.  We were lucky enough to have decent bus drivers, and not crazy drivers, like some we experienced in Vietnam.  The horn was used occasionally, not continually, we had wifi on the bus, and a clean bathroom!  Lunch and a snack was served, along with handwipes and water.

At one point in the trip we had to board a ferry, the river was fairly wide but the journey short.  Hoss captured a few pictures of life around the river.

                                         These people are selling snails, and pineapple.

                                         Children cooling off with a swim in the river.

                                           Hoss bought some fruit, but I can't tell you what it is.
                                            They have many different kinds of fruit that I have
                                            never seen before.  Some I like, many I don't.  It all
                                           depends on their texture!

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