Tuesday 26 February 2013

Exploring Koh Phi Phi

We started off our day having a great breakfast at a place called The Rock, but to me it looked similar to The Ark!  After breakfast we took a trek down a different pathway to find a hotel called The Viking.  We tried to book into it but it was full.  On our way there we passed a school and beyond The Viking is a beautiful beach called Long Beach.

                                            Breakfast at The Rock.

                                         A school.  I guess the education system is terrible
                                         in Thailand.

                                         The sidewalk ended, and this is the path we had to take
                                         to get to The Viking. After this hike I almost felt like a
                                          Viking.  If you stayed at this resort, you would take a
                                          long boat and someone carries your bags to your room.

                                         The Viking Resort.  You get to stay in funky cabanas.
                                          This is the restaurant/bar.
                                          The beach in front of The Viking.

                                         I couldn't figure out why they would name a resort
                                          after the Vikings, but I guess the Vikings had explored
                                          and had a settlement on Koh Phi Phi Island back in the day!

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