Wednesday 27 February 2013

Night Life in Phi Phi

We spent our last night in Koh Phi Phi wondering around the streets visiting different establishments.  We started with dinner at the Hippy Bar.  Actually, there was nothing hippish about it.  They sported a Jamaican flag, a picture of a marijuana leaf, a Bob Marley photograph, and the music sucked!!  But, the food was good.  After dinner we wondered down to Carlitto's.  It's a rockin' little bar that sometimes has live music.  There is an area where you can lay around on loungers, have your drinks and smoke shesha.  Even though we don't smoke we decided to give this shesha a try.  It's a water pipe that you smoke fruit flavoured tobacco from.  We chose peach!  It was actually quite nice, but I don't think it will turn into a habit.  I found it relaxing and went quite well with our wine!  Forty minutes or so later, when our shisha was done we hit the beach party.  Each bar along the beach competed for clientele by pounding out the music and putting on a fire show.  The fire show is fun to watch, and many tourists who end up staying longer get into also.  Hoops, rings, ropes doused in kerosene flare up when lit, making the quick actions of the performer a dazzling display for the eyes.  The brilliant, dancing, glow of the fire against the blackness of the night keeps you mesmerized.  It's a lot of fun to watch!!  After the performances are done, they light up a skipping rope, and the tourist can then have their chance at playing with fire!!  Many are liquored up, so I imagine the burns don't hurt until the headache starts the next day!!  After the fireshow, we went to the Rolling Stone Bar, where a live band played music to a rowdy, dancing crowd, and of course, you know it, we were in their like a dirty shirt!!  We caught this scene right at the end of the night, so we were there for only a few songs.  Then the rain set in, closing down the island party early for the night!!  So home we went!!  So long Phi Phi, you've been a riot!!

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