Monday 25 February 2013

Koh Phi Phi

Koh Phi Phi is a small island that offers great diving.  We are snorkelers, so we didn't take any of that in.  It is also a place for the young.  It's party central, and goes hard until the wee hours of the morning!!  For us, we hit the hay around midnight, but no matter where you stay, you can hear the loud, pounding music, from the bars, and from the beach where there are fire shows nightly.

The village of Phi Phi is made up of small lanes.  It is a walking town, no motorbikes allowed, only pedal bikes.  There are two sides to Phi Phi, the harbor side, that has a beach, many boats, and makes swimming non-existent.  You can enter the water for a cool down, but there isn't enough room to swim.  The other side is very shallow, and is impossible to swim.  So rented a double kayak and paddled to Monkey Beach.  It's a good place to go snorkeling, and the beach has a lot of monkeys! I didn't get any pictures because the kayak is too wet for the camera.

                                        This is the shallow side of Koh Phi Phi, very beautiful!!
                                          I took this picture from the first place we stayed.

                                         Small walking lanes that make up the village of Koh Phi Phi

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