Tuesday 5 February 2013

The Night Bus to Thailand

Remind me to never, never, never take another night bus again!!  We were up at 1:30 AM because we were to be picked up at 2:10.  The driver was late and didn't come until 3:00.  We loaded our bags on the bus, snuggled down into our seats and tried to catch some sleep.  After an hour and half of cat napping we were at the border, but it doesn't open until 7:00AM!  So why did we have to leave so early!!!!  Leaving Cambodia was no problem, take a picture, a few more finger prints, a stamp in the passport to indicate your gone.  Then off to the Thai side for immigration...and that took two hours!!!  Flying is so much better!

Then we waited for everyone else who was taking the same vehicle and loaded onto a minibus.  We finally got going at 9:10 AM, 15 of us in the mini van plus all of our luggage!!  Thank goodness the highway was great.  The Thais have good infrastructure.  We finally got to Bangkok at 2:00PM.  We booked another bus to Pattaya where we have accommodations waiting for us.  This last leg of the trip took 3 hours.  It took an hour to get out of the city... then back onto the divided highway and before we knew it we were finally in Pattaya.

Our friend Brian was frantically waiting for us, wondering where we were, thinking that we should have arrived at 1:00PM...it was now 8:00PM.  He promptly delivered us to our hotel.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!  We felt exhausted, sweaty, and grimy!!!  We showered, went out for a bite to eat, and hit the hay by 10:00PM.

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