Tuesday 12 February 2013

Walking Street

Public transportation is something called the Baht Bus(the baht is the Thai dollar).  So one evening, we caught the Baht Bus with Brian and went to downtown Pattaya, to an area called Walking Street.  It is a colourful area, in more ways than one!!  It reminds me of a smaller version of Las Vegas, but without the gambling.  There are strip clubs, gay clubs, discos, open air bars, restaurants, shops, buskers, beggars, and ladyboys...lots of them, and ladyboy clubs!!!  They are done up extremely well and you need to look very closely to notice their maleness. I'm sure there have been a few surprised guys who think they are flirting with a gorgeous female, and in actuality it's a ladyboy!!(I haven't been brave enough to snap a picture)!!

Shortly after our trip to Walking Street we noticed that the ladyboys are all over.  They work at the little watering holes, and restaurants that line the streets in the area that we are staying.  After seeing a few, they are easy to spot.  One was wearing such a nice dress, I felt like asking him where he bought it!!  They seem to fit into the Thai lifestyle, and are not closeted, like in some communities back home. We all have our own destinations and ways to live, and who am I to judge!!  I have not walked in their shoes, and I have no idea of their background.  I say, "live and let live"!

                                          A baht bus, they run up and down the streets delivering
                                          people to all sorts of locations, they are cheap and easy
                                          to catch, and if you miss one there is another coming
                                          very shortly.

                                          One entrance to Walking Street.  This entrance is off
                                           Pattaya Beach.

                                          Our first visit to Walking Street was at night.  It was much

                                          A very pretty lit-up bar.  It looks great at night!!

                                         One of the many strip joints.  Many are called Go-Goes.

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