Friday 1 March 2013

Popeye Guesthouse

Here is the guesthouse we stayed at while in Ao Nang which is in the province of Krabi, Thailand.  It was real close to the beach, and some great street food.  The food stalls were very busy because their food was delicious!!  We ate there two nights in a row. It amazes me how they Thai people can be such minimalists, and maximists at the same time!!  Their homes are small, with barely any furniture.  But, these street stalls that sell food use the space they occupy to was maximum.  They pull up to to spot on the street/sidewalk with their stall on their motorbike.  They proceed to unfold, expand, attach, open up, all sorts of awnings, tables, umbrellas, chairs, barbeques, condiments, cutlery, plates, bowls, napkins, water, garbage cans, all the food they will be cooking, in this tiny little space.  They use their motorbike as I would use my cupboards and drawers at home.  Their cash register is a fannypack on their hip.  They casually get this all set up, cook their food, put up with all the tourists demands, and are still happy, relaxed, and nothing seems to get to them.  At the end of their night, their set up needs to be taken down, and removed from the sidewalk.

                                         This is the Popeye bar/restaurant we went to for coffee and
                                          breakfast in the morning, and drinks later in the day.

                                         Our room was right around the corner of the green wall.

                                        This was the fancy, expensive hotel at the end of our lane.
                                         Many of its patrons came to eat and drink at Popeye's.

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