Saturday 16 March 2013

Back to Bangkok

We spent a couple more days in Chiang Mai, exploring the streets outside of the Old City and discovered the east side of Chiang Mai quite interesting.  But, our time here had now been exhausted, and our exit was eminent! 

We flew back to Bangkok, and once again experienced its stifling heat!!  The streets are busy, noisy, and become exhaustingly weary because of the city's heat!!  We often would take refuge into any building that had air conditioning(and I don't particularly like AC), just to take a break from the heat that had your clothes sticking to your body, and every inch of your skin sweating.  But, I was impressed that my mascara didn't run down my face creating a streaky, freakish, scene from a horror movie!

Our last stay in Bangkok was short, but we did manage to take in a few more sites.  Our first night back we decided to go to the show which is in a fabulous mall called Terminal 21(very modern and upscale).  It was only a couple of blocks from our hotel.  We had also gone to the movie theater in Phuket, and the two were basically the same... very fancy...plush carpets...ornate walls...huge doors, and a gigantic screen! 

When you purchase your ticket you need to also choose your seat. There are three different seating prices.  The most expensive has you sitting in a couch, the middle price gets you a seat similar to that of the Galaxy theaters, and a cheaper seat has you quite close to the screen but lower down so you need to look up at the screen.  Basically, the experience was quite similar to that of North America, with one exception...we had to stand and pay honor to the king of Bangkok when the King's anthem was played.  The Thais love their king, and not one bad word is ever spoken against him! 

The next day we booked a dinner cruise on the river that runs through Bangkok.  We thought it might be a nice way to spend our last night in Thailand.  Transportation picked us up and whisked or tried to whisk us away to the boat.  The traffic was thick and slow, and I'm sure I could ride my bicycle that distance in a quarter of the time it took for us to get there.  Anyways, it was a fairly nice evening, there was plenty of delicious food, some of the entertainment was okay, but at times quirky... at one point we had ladyboys miming to songs and dancing.  By this time we had moved to the front of the boat to catch the sites of the glittering city, and boats passing by, so we were spared the tacky talent of these performers!!

The next day we caught our flight to Hawaii via Korea!

                                         The city has built highways and skytrains over top of
                                         the all ready existing streets.

                                          A fabulous mall for the shopaholic!!

                                          Street stalls.
                                          The lane that leads to our hotel.

                                         The dinner cruise.

                                           A suspension bridge.

                                         A temple.

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