Thursday 21 March 2013

Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor was a very interesting place to see. I think I took about 1000 pictures, but will only post a few.  I know very little about war, so I hope the photos I chose aren't too much of a disappointment.  I have never been on a submarine, and thought it would be a lot more cramped.  We were told that it was quite warm for the men who worked on the sub, and sweat constantly dripped from their bodies(reminds me of Thailand!!).  We also toured the USS Missouri nicknamed Old Mo.

When we flew into Honolulu we got a great visual of Pearl Harbor.  It's much larger than I imagined!

                                          The grounds at Pearl Harbor.

                                            The submarine we visited.

                                         USS Missouri aka Old Mo

                                             I was mainly interested in the kitchen, and sleeping

                                         The deck is made of teak wood.

I had some picture of the ship's bridge, but they turned out pretty dark.

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