Wednesday 27 March 2013


Our time in Oahu is over, and our next flight took us to Maui.  Our hotel is in Kehei, right on the beach.  The weather started off cloudy, but warm.  After a couple of days it smartened up, and the sun came out, heating things up considerably.  Kehei is very quiet, and we like it very much.  There are people on the beaches, in restaurants and bars, but nothing is overcrowded.  At night you don't hear the constant noise of busy traffic, or loud parties.  It's very much like what we are used to back home, but of course with better temperatures!!

                                         This is the beach in front of our hotel.

                                          look closely, you can see Hoss sitting on a lounger!
                                          An egret entertains us each time we go to the beach,
                                           in front of our hotel.

                                          The road behind our hotel.

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