Thursday 7 December 2017

New Zealand December 2017

We arrived in Auckland, New Zealand after 22 hours of traveling from Regina to Calgary to Vancouver to Auckland.  The flight from Vancouver to Auckland was 14 hours.  We arrived at 5am and flew through security and customs, caught the metro bus, and got off a couple blocks from our accommodations.  With our room not being ready, we stored our luggage, and went for a bite to eat.  We soon were notified that our room was ready.

We are in a small, basic, shared apartment, and our flatmate is a young, friendly woman from Chili whose name is Karla, and her boyfriend Fransico. We share the common area but have our own bedroom and bathroom. The apartment is very close to the university so there are a lot of young people in this area, and  for the next 7 days we will call this place home!

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