Monday 17 April 2017

The Final Goodbye!

Sadly, this trip has come to an end!  I always have mixed emotions with the finality of an adventure.  I always appreciate home, and look forward to being where life is familiar, predictable, and safe!  But, I also long for the daily adventures and unknowns our trips always bring us.  Through our travels, I have learned a lot about myself, and learned how much I actually don't know!! Seeing the world,  experiencing foreign cultures, and meeting people from all over the world has brought me joy, and a huge appreciation for our life in Canada, and what the passport actually means!  Being a Canadian brings world respect, a rich, diverse lifestyle, tolerance, opportunities, and a culture that is truly concerned for its citizens.  Canada is not perfect, but once you step off its doorstep, into the great blue yonder, you realize how lucky you are to be born in this country.  See you again next year!  Ciao!

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