Thursday 13 April 2017

Rio Salado Audubon Center

A couple of weeks ago we went to a Nature Fest over by the racetrack.  We were introduced to the Audubon Center at one of the kiosks, and so today, we had some time, and decided to visit the audubon center.  It involves a river walk on both sides of the Salt River, or Roi Salado. It was very interesting, but being a rural gal, I get to see nature and all its glory every day!  It's a great place for city folk to take their kids and introduce them to another form of life!!  We did encounter a snake, of the constrictor kind!!  It was a good thing it was dead, because I would have either killed it, or hit the dusty trail full tilt screaming!!

                                        This rock is called conglomerate.  

                                        More conglomerate.


 Mr. Constrictor...the California King Snake, non-venmous but powerful.  An opportunistic hunter feeding mostly on rodents.  It also falls prey to many predators.

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