Wednesday 12 April 2017

Yuma Territorial Jail

While in Yuma we visited the territorial jail that opened its doors in 1876.  For the next thirty-three years 3,069 prisoners, including 20 women, served sentences there for crimes ranging from murder to polygamy.  The prison was under continuous construction with labour provided by the prisoners.    As with all jails we have visited from Australia, to Southeast Asia, to Yuma, conditions were deplorable.  This jail was considered very compassionate because it offered educational courses, and had a library, but it also had solitary confinement in a wicked looking cave type room!

                                          The watch tower

                                          View from the watchtower.

                             The bell was rung to warn the town people of an escaped prisoner.

This cage was in the dark room or solitary confinement.  Prisoners were put in the cage so when guards entered, they weren't rushed by the prisoners.


                                      Solitary confinement.  The cage was placed on this base.

                                            Relaxing grounds for us tourists!
                                           The prison graveyard.

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