Saturday 30 December 2017

Invercargill, South Island, NZ

We were told not to go to Invercargill because it is a dull, nothing to do town, but we went anyways because it was on my itinerary! But the young people  who gave us this advice are all into tramping, which is hiking in Kiwi lingo, and mountain biking. We found this small, quiet city quite pleasant. It has a zoo, lovely parks, beautiful buildings, a small art gallery, a museum, super wide streets, not sure what the shopping is like, the most southern city we have been to, and it's the jumping off point to a region called The Catlins!!

                                        One of the beautiful buildings in Invercargill.

                                             Countryside around Invercargill.

 I love the sprawling pasture land with the majestic mountains in the background.

                 These two alpacas are just returning from a lingo for haircut.

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