Saturday 16 December 2017

Museum of New Zealand...Te papa

Te Papa is the National Museum of New Zealand.  There was a fantastic exhibition called, Gallipoli:The Scale of Our War. This exhibition brought together the creative artisans of Weta Workshop with the curatorial research and expertise of the national museum. It brought together the life story of eight ordinary New Zealanders who found themselves in extraordinary circumstances at Gallipoli.

Gallipoli is a penisula which is located in the northwest coast of Turkey between Gulf of Saros and Dardanelles. It was New Zealand's first campaign of World War 1.  The Turks had sided with the Germans in the war. The battle took place in the year 1915 and it was fought during the Second World War. In the battle of Gallipopi troops were landed by the British using Australia and New Zealand Army Corps. The campaign was a huge disaster ending in many casualties due to a tactical errors made by the British.

The size of these life like statues are 2.4 times human size. The workmanship is fantastic. They look absolutely real...the skin, the hair, the sweat. It absolutely takes your breath away!

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