Tuesday 29 March 2016

Ocean Park Aquarium

We stopped at Ocean Park Aquarium that proved to be interesting, and educational.  We got to see a lot of marine life that we don't normally or often see when we snorkel.  Many of the sea creatures are released to the wild after a period of time, and replaced by others.

 A sting ray
 A shovelhead manta
 A nervous shark
 We often see turtles when we snorkel...this poor guy was rescued and will now live in the aquarium for the remainder of its life because he is blind.
 A rock fish
 A seasnake...deadly venom but kind in its nature.  Hoss saw one when we were snorkeling in Indonesia.
 Nemo with a sea anenome

 A lion fish
 A puffer fish
We also saw a few sharks but my pictures weren't too good!

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