Sunday 6 March 2016

Labuan Bajo, Flores, Indonesia

Labuan Bajo is a small fishing town that is dusty, extremely hot, noisy with motorbikes and trucks, and bustling with its inhabitants busily living their lives.  This small, unappealing town is also flooded with tourists who come here wishing to see Komodo Dragons and experience fabulous diving/snorkeling.  At first glimpse this town is nothing more than a dirty fishing town, but then something happens, you get to know the town better, and it starts to grow on you, it becomes quaint, you see more to it, it is more than just noise, dust, and heat. It has as vibrancy that is infectious, and I can see why so many people are drawn to this place and set up shop!

                                        Volcanoes...that are not that distant!

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