Tuesday 29 March 2016

HMAS Sidney

The HMAS Sidney was an Australian warship that was involved in a naval battle with a German warship in 1941 just off the coast of Shark Bay in Western Australia.  The battle was mighty bringing both ships to disaster.  Geraldton has devoted a beautiful memorial to commemorate the loss of 645 Australian sailors who lost their lives on that fateful day. The memorial is made up of five symbolic elements: a silver spherical shape was constructed with steel seagulls representing each sailor lost in the tragedy,  a statue of "The Waiting Woman" looking out to sea grieving her loved one,  a wall displaying the name for each sailor lost, a Pool of Remembrance, and a stele representing the bow of the ship. I always find it a bit emotional to visit  memorials, and it always brings tears to my eyes making me humble and thankful to be able to live in a free society that has been brought to us through so much loss.

 A beautiful view from the top of the memorial.

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