Saturday 5 March 2016

Flores, Indonesia

We flew from Indonesian island Bali to the Indonesian island of Flores, where we planned to see the dreadful Komodo dragons.  But, what we got was a lot more than dragons.  We discovered snorkeling that was out of this world, food to die for, and a view that's second to none! 

Our flight landed at a tiny airport, and once we collected our luggage we were whisked away by a taxicab driver who took us to our small hotel.  Our accommodations were lovely, and owned by a Canadian woman, who cooked us gourmet breakfasts every morning!  We had a great time visiting with Angela, and staying at her wonderful Blue Parrot Hotel.

 Preparing beans for French press coffee that is served each morning!
 Our view overlooking the small town of Labuan Bajo, where the Blue Parrot is located!

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