Thursday 31 March 2016

Shark Sanctuary and Nursery, Coral Bay, Western Australia

While in Coral Bay, we walked over to the shark sanctuary, and nursery.  There you will find pregnant female reef sharks and pups.  The species of reef sharks are black tip, white tip, grey, and lemon.  The bay where the sharks can be found is only knee deep, and you can wade in the water to get a better look, but not too close.  These species are usually harmless, but you are dealing with mothers so you give them their space!

 One of 3 leopard rays

 There were many sharks!
 A harmless jellyfish
 The walk to the shark sanctuary and back.

Campgrounds of Coral Bay...People's Park and Bayview

We stayed at two campgrounds while in Coral Bay, both were very nice and right across the street from the ocean.

 There isn't any cold water in Coral Bay!!  Even the sprinklers spray hot water!!

Coral Bay, Western Australia

We found Coral Bay to be quite a little gem.  The sand is soft and white, the water is turquoise, and the surf is calm.  It is an oasis in the middle of a desert!

 We snorkeled in and around this rock.  The coral was large and there were  some fish.

 A small shopping mall.

Mildura Wreck,

This cattle freighter, just outside of Exmouth, sunk while miscalculating the reef.  Around 500 cattle were released since the ship went down fairly close to shore, but only a few made it to safety, while the rest perished.

Vlamingh Head Lighthouse

Just outside of Exmouth is the historic Vlamingh Head Lighthouse which is over 100 years old.  Vlamingh Head also houses the remains of a World War 11 radar and anti-aircraft post, plus a range of interpretive signage offering information on the history of the Northwest Cape, the Ningaloo World Heritage area, local history and wildlife. 

From this vantage point the views are spectacular, and if you are lucky you can see humpback whales on their annual migration from July to October.  We were too early!

Cape Range National Park

We stayed in the Cape Range National Park while we were in the Exmouth area.  Cape Range is a rugged area with that is filled with canyons, limestones ranges, unspoilt coastline, and wildlife.

 Meet our neighbour.

 The water is rough and the current is strong enough to keep me from venturing in!!

 A big red!!

Hoss spied this cutie from the window of our van.  His hearing may give him grief at times but his eyes work great!!  This little guy is called an echidna.
 A monitor lizard
 A variety of sea birds

Exmouth, Western Australia

Exmouth is the perfect location for those wanting to explore fantastic landscapes and amazing wonders of the ocean.  A variety of trips can be booked for land or water exploration depending on your budget and curiosity. 

Birds galore can be found in Exmouth.

Tropic of Capricorn

The Tropic of Capricorn runs smack dab through the middle of Australia from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.

Tuesday 29 March 2016

The Outback

Many people have romantic views about the outback, but after awhile it grow tedious!!


Carnarvon is situated between Shark Bay and the Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Areas.  It is a sleepy town of 10 000 and a good place to relax, but other than that not a lot is going on!  Melville looks busy compared to this place!  It is located very close to the Tropic of Capricorn so it is able to grow some tropical fruit.  We enjoyed the bananas!

We followed the tramway to get to the 1 mile jetty.  It was a long walk, we made a wrong turn, walked back to the van and drove there! 
 Views along the way!!

 This road was our mistake, it lead nowhere near the jetty.
 If you don't take care in the outback, this could be you!!
 Finally... the jetty!