Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Road to Machu Picchu

You can walk up to MP via stairs that will take about 90 minutes.  The young people do it, for either the challenge or the cost.  No walking for us, we bought a ticket, fairly cheap, 20 soles round trip for one, which is about 8 bucks.  The ride is a bit harrowing.  It´s a narrow dirt road except for the 11 cobblestoned hairpin corners(yes, I counted).  It´s a straight drop off the edge of the road, and I could barely look down at times. There have been a few landslides, and one  wasn´t cleared away, so they dropped all passengers off, and you had to climb a short stretch of steps to the next bus that continued onto MP.

A lot of young people hike the Inca Trail to MP.  You need a guide or porter and 4 days to get there, but I guess there are shorter versions of this trip depending on where you start.

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