Tuesday 14 January 2014

Cuenca, Ecuador

We say our goodbyes to Baños, and our hellos to Cuenca.  Our bus ride was uneventful, and comfortable.  A cab met us at midnight and took us to our hostal.  The owner greeted us and showed us to out room.  We settled in to a good night´s sleep.  The next day we were up bright and early, having breakfast at the small cafe next door.  We sat with a young German girl who is also touring around Ecuador.  We paid our bill, and took a walk about, exploring the sights of Cuenca.  We found it to be a very nice, very clean city, but the weather is still cool.

                                            A woodworking shop that makes guitars.

                                         A government building.

                                          An outdoor cafe that is equipped with heaters.

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