Wednesday 29 January 2014


We are making are way to Machu Picchu, but first we need to eat breakfast, store our bag at the hostal, and only take the bare necessities.  We then make our way to a small bus station and board a collectivo(small bus) and ride for about 74km, to the small town and ancient community of Ollantaytambo.  The weather has been is our favour for all the days we have spent in Peru, and it is heading into the rainy season.  Today is warm and sunny, great for climbing up and down this fairly large ruin. But first we stop for a snack and coffee.

                                          Having breakfast before leaving.

                                         A quick lunch in Ollantaytambo.

                                          Some rocks are green and others are purple.

                                            And I thought the sidewalksin Cusco were narrow!



                                          Kids in Olly

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