Monday 2 January 2012

The New Year Celebration

Yes, they were right!!  The New Year celebrations were crazy busy!!  People from all over Panama headed for the beaches to bring in the new year.  They came with their families, coolers of booze, food, and yes, also their music.  The grocery stores had lineups for the till down each aisle.  The roadways were plugged.  The night sky was a spectacle of disbelief with fireworks.  They started at dusk and the sparkle and twinkle of fireworks continued well past midnight.  It seemed as if there was a competition to see who could fire off the grandest display.  It was a sight to behold.  The party continued until late today, when finally the last of the revelers packed up their belongings, shut down their weekend lodgings, and made the long and arduous trek home.  I'm sure there will be many big heads and tired people tomorrow.  The Panamanians know how to party!!

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